Our Previa expired today, apparently. Or rather, it expired last Thursday when Lincoln drove it to RFK Stadium to watch the Nationals play. It wouldn't turn over for him, nor for the tow truck driver on Friday a.m., nor for the mechanics at Satellite Motors. Alack and alas.
Trying to see a silver lining. No longer have to put gas in it, for one, or insure it. Or repair it. Still, it was a wonderful car for many years.
Trying to see a silver lining. No longer have to put gas in it, for one, or insure it. Or repair it. Still, it was a wonderful car for many years.
oh well, life goes on even if the previa doesn't. i meant to tell you this before but i'm not sure that i did, but gabby sent me a long email a little while ago and one of the things he said was for me to tell you how much he liked your observation about sherlock and izzie and the bananas. i think his word was "excellent." hope you're having a gas at the beach and i wish i was there.
Mister Suss, at 11:58 AM
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