
Saturday, July 22, 2006

Well, I've found my blog again, after weeks looking for it. I'm unlikely to set the blogosphere on fire, but that wasn't my intention. I'm enjoying reading Barullo at mistersuss, but I do think this whole business is pretty strange.

Got a glimpse this week, in a visit w/friend Dan, into Jung's take on Christianity. Want to explore this more. Have to find my textbook for Chuch in History class, however; must finish it before end of summer.

Useful and powerful discussion w/Jim T this week. We talked about two different metaphors for following Jesus: one is down the road, the other simply abiding, or resting. Both can work at once. The important thing is to hold both metaphors lightly.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Well, here I am plunging into the blogosphere. Willingly? Witlessly? Whimsically? Time will tell.
